Feeling down and disappointed

Ashley • 34 years old & married. Have a 2.5 old DD. She was a preemie. Not trying to prevent but not actively trying for now. If it happens, it happens.
My husband and I are on month two or TTC. I feel so frustrated about our business travel that it is effecting with the fertility week dates and ovulation time. My husband is gone all this week. Has been since last Friday and won't return until Thursday. He was gone for my birthday which was yesterday. I so emotional because of it. When he gets back on Thursday, I have to get ready to leave on Sunday for a business trip. I return next week on the 30th. He will leave again on November 3rd for yet another trip and won't be back until the 8th.
He told me not to worry about it but, I can't help but feel worried and sad about the missed opportunities of trying to get pregnant during the peak time. My chances are so high while he is gone and diminish to 2.8% by the time he gets back. Feeling pretty heartbroken. ?