Depression... Please read...

Jocelyn💋 • Have a wonderful life that I have to thank the Lord for❤️ have a son and expecting baby girl🌹
Can someone please help me? I'm 22 years old. Have a fiancé, a 2 year old, and a pregnancy that led to a missed miscarriage. Every since the MMC I've been struggling. It was hard to go thru and its hard to get over. I wake up and I'm like why even get dressed, I'm not going no where? I take very good care of myself and my family. They come first in every situation. Since my MMC My son and I stayed with my aunt thru the day while my SO works then he will pick us up when he gets off, and that happened for 2 weeks. Today is the first day I've been home alone besides my baby, since this MMC and I can't stop thinking about what happened. It's consuming... I feel the only way to get over this depression is to become pregnant again, which we are trying to do, after the bleeding stops from my D&C. I love my son more than words can say. He and my SO are the best things to happen to me. I want to get over this spell so I can go on and live my life with them. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!