My baby won't survive....


Had my 20 week scan today, thinking my husband and I would leave knowing the gender of our perfect little baby. Found out he was a boy! He was punching and kicking and his heart was beating perfectly. I thought he looked perfect, but his head looked kind of cramped. The technician left the room and came back with the doctor, who told us our baby boy didn't have a brain and would not survive outside of the womb. 

This has been the hardest thing I've ever been through. I have two beautiful and perfect children. Now we will have an angel in heaven. I told my husband I wanted to name him Samual, and he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said he was thinking the exact same name. We will be induced next week. 

It's so hard feeling him kick inside of me right now as I write this, knowing he won't be in my arms this coming march. ?