How do you feel about egg freezing?

Gunce • Head of Research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 4 years of infertility treatments.

<a href="">Egg Freezing</a> is a technique that allows women to freeze and store their eggs until they want to start or expand their families. <a href="">Egg freezing</a> effectively suspends the ever-present ticking of the reproductive biological clock, giving women more choices than ever before.

Until recently, <a href="">egg freezing</a> has been relatively rare, but now some companies (such as apple and facebook) offer it as part of the standard health care package. 

<a href="">Egg Freezing</a> is most effective if it is done at a younger age. It can cost anywhere up to $15,000 including the drugs. Plus you have to pay for the monthly cost of storing the eggs. 

Nonetheless many women have loved getting it done and the peace of mind it offers them. 

How do you feel about it? 

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