HDHH: Regularly updating your log can improve your chances by 40%

Gunce • Head of Research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 4 years of infertility treatments.

Yesterday, we asked our community what affect does regularly updating your log have on your chances to conceive? Your guesses were pretty evenly distributed between not at all and 40%.

Well, the answer is 40%. For those who have recently embarked on their TTC journey, religiously tracking their cycles on Glow results in a 40% increase in their likelihood of getting pregnant within the first 3 months of trying.

That is both pretty amazing - and makes complete sense. Tracking your BBT, CM, symptoms or OPKS on Glow allows for Glow to be much more accurate. And the more accurate Glow is, the greater the chance that you take advantage of your fertile window.

Now what about for everyone who has been trying for a while? Does tracking everyday also improve their chances? The answer is yes. But not so drastically as 40%. The improvements there are more second order. i.e.

Glow alerts a user to a short LT phase or the possibility of PCOS, which prompts the user to seek help, which then gets you a BFP. So the tracking itself is not necessarily helpful in pinpointing ovulation - but rather in pinpointing a potential issue.

So keep up the great work everyone! And that is today's Health Day Hump Hint!

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