I am worried


Ok so I am 5 weeks and 3 days today. I am worried because yesterday there was spotting when I wiped nothing in the toilet or anything but this is my first and I am terrified that I am going to lose my baby. I can't call my dr until tomorrow afternoon. And I am just afraid of what she is going to say.... anyone have this?
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Posted at
Hi Kylie, how are you doing? I am 5weeks 5days and had some brownish discharge and then light pink, no cramping. I'm pretty scared. Hate waiting until doctors office opens.


Kylie • Nov 9, 2014
I am great I think lol. I had the same exact thing during that time. I was told yo put comfortable clothes on and lay around with my feet up and to relax. so I did this and watched movies. I was also told to check my diet and make sure I am getting everything I need even a little sugar can help for relaxing. drink plenty of water too. I was very afraid but that helped a lot. hope it works for you too!


Posted at
How are you today? What did the doc say? 


Tash • Nov 4, 2014
Good to hear ?


Kylie • Nov 3, 2014
better nothing yet. Dr said it is normal and not to stress about it which will cause things to get worse. I am to put my feet up and relax when I get home from work and if it changes to red go to the er. but she doubts that will happen