Still waiting for 2 cycles to TTC

Darlingsurprise • 27 years old. Married 3 years. Our sweet daughter, Ruby, was stillborn at just over 22 weeks on 7/26/14. We will be TTC again soon.
My doctor told me to wait 3-4 "normal" cycles to TTC after I lost my daughter in July at 22wks. I bled for 10.5 wks straight, so I have only had one normal cycle since losing her. She was due on Thanksgiving. I really wanted to try again before her due date. We wanted something to give us hope. Now we have to wait until the end of December. And that is assuming that my cycles really are normal now. The "two week wait" sucked enough when we were trying before. This 5-6 month wait is terrible. I just want her back :(