Got my BFP!!!

Mrs K
You guys!! I got my BFP this weekend. I am so excited and can't believe it. Generally in my life (and lots of people's lives haha) things haven't gone according to the timeline I had in mind, so I was really surprised and so grateful to Heavenly Father! My husband is in medical school so we were really hoping for a summer baby so that he would not be in school when I delivered, and so that our families could come visit (lots of them work in schools so they're busy in the school year). The year of 2014 has been very difficult at times with some big trials for me and my husband, so this was such a blessing and comfort for me to know that God is still there and always is.  I just wanted to share the good news and tell you all that God knows us all and the desires of our hearts, and He has a plan for us, even if sometimes it's hard to see. If you haven't gotten your BFP, keep trying! Good luck to everyone! ??✨