Gender reveals disappointment

So I have an amazinggggg 3 year old son. Seriously, amazing. I love him so much. I'm 14 weeks with my second, and we just found out it's another boy. I am so disappointed. I always wanted two children, an older boy, and a younger girl. This is what I imagined for myself, and I can't get over the disappointment, and down right sadness I feel. I feel even worse for feeling sad because it really shouldn't matter if the baby is healthy! (Which he is). All my friends have girls, and I can't help but feel left out and somewhat jealous. I don't think my husband and I will be able to try again for a girl due to finances. I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that I may never have that mother/ daughter relationship I so wanted. I feel shallow, and stupid.  But needed to vent. Anyone else experience anything like this? I think knowing  I'm not alone might help me.