So disappointed

I had a follicle ultrasound today to determine if round 2 of Clomid worked.  Looks like my follicle is only 1.6, should be larger than 2.2.  The doc said its not impossible for it to get large, but seems unlikely.  I also developed a small polyp this cycle.  I'm not really sure what that means yet.  But basically this cycle is a flop and I have to do 100mg next cycle.  
I'm just so sad.  Why is it that my body can't do what it was designed to do?  And why do some many people who don't want children get pregnant so easily, but then all of us who want one more than anything are struggling so hard?  
I know I've only been trying a year-ish now and many of you are even longer. You are so much stronger than I am right now, so please don't mind if I lean on you as I learn how to cope.