Growing up with out a mom...

Martha • 17years young ... NOT TTC. love you all!
So for 13 years of my life I had to grow up without my mother..when in reality it wasn't really her fault. A few weeks ago she passed away from a heart attack she didn't really deserve the way that she died. I'm very sad without her and I never stop thinking about her. I may not of known her but that does not mean I did not love her after all she was my mother.but now that she's gone I just don't know what to do whatever funeral I get handed a letter that she wrote to me July 1 for my fifth birthday. Saying how she loved me very much, and that she wanted me to never forget her and that she would hope to see me soon but in my eyes seeing her for the first time in 13 years in her casket... Broke my heart... I will never forget coming home and hearing the news that my mother passed away I don't think I've ever felt so much agony in my life I miss her every day and that brings so much agony to me because I miss her and I still cry about it I love her with all my heart. What's it like growing up without a mom? is there anybody out there feel same way I do?