Hormonal wackiness from after BC pill?!?

Paige • ttc for a year. 1 early miscarriage
I've been off birthcontrol for almost a year. I was only on it for 3 months.. I stopped because I couldn't afford it and I wanted a more natural way of tracking and taking control of my fertility.. Before I was on BC my periods were at a 28 day cycle and were really heavy. Doc put me on to lessen my  flow but not stop it. Still had a 28 day cycle but then I stopped. Almost a year later- I've had heart palpitations, anxiety and panic attacks, heavy flow 32-34 day cycles and menstrual migraines. I'm only 22. Anyone have any advice to help get me back on track and back to normal. The heart palps start out annoying and then leads up to a panic attack. I've been tracking my bbt and cm but it's still hard to pinpoint everything. Also anyone else have these side effects? I've had my thyroid checked and it's normal. But I still think it's a hormonal imbalance.