SUPER TMI pic. Possible MC?

TtcMommyof1 • Wife to a wonderful man ❤️. Mommy to an amazing 6 year old girl 💕. Due 11/8 with a baby boy after 37m ttc💙
I'm 1 week late for my period. I tested Sat and it was a faint positive. Monday I tested with FMU and it was negative. I was waiting until Friday to test again, but have had preg symptoms all week (sore breast, nausea, watery discharge, etc). I had sex last night and spotted brown today when wiping only. Not even enough for a pad. Tonight when I wiped there are dark brown clots (as shown....sorry. I know it's gross ?). Is this possibly a mc? Do I have any hope left? If it doesn't develop into a full blown period I'll make an appt with my dr. This month really felt like it could be it for the first time in the past year of ttc....I'm devistated. ?