Confused :/

I don't really know what to do and don't really have anyone who I can talk to about this. Lately I have been under a lot of pressure to start trying for baby #2. I have been getting it from everyone and I am not oppose to another baby but I don't think I am ready. It took a lot to have our first baby. I went through 4 miscarriages before having a baby and throughout my entire pregnancy I never really got excited in the fear that as soon as did something bad would happen. I don't think I am ready to go through all of that again. It's a lot of heart break and disappointment for any person to go through. I have talked to my husband about it and he doesn't seem to have any concerns. I just don't know maybe I am just over thinking things. I am just so overwhelmed and confused on the situation. Maybe I am just letting the fear get the best of me. Any words of encouragement would be helpful and very appreciated.