Can we talk BBT?

Bo • Was diagnosed with PCOS at 15 and am now 29 and ttc baby #1
So I'm not sure how many of you are currently temping, but if you are not, let's talk. I am determined to get everyone into it lol. Starters, BBT (basal body temperature) is the only known way to currently confirm ovulation. 
"What? How about opks?" You ask.
They are great and I use them while temping, but they can only predict when you may ovulate based on your LH surge. 
Temping not only confirms your ovulation, it also can (sometimes) help show implantation and when/if you are due to start your period. 
"Bo, this sounds ridiculously hard and stressful" (I'm talking for you guys)
Not at all! Go to your nearest Walmart, Walgreens, or even and pick up a thermometer, be sure it is specified as bbt and tells temp to the tenth degree. Download fertility friend and wait for CD1 (it is always better to start temping at the beginning of a cycle, rather than middle).
Each morning set an alarm to the same time each morning. DO NOT get out of bed. Take your temp without moving around too much. Once you have your temp, input on fertility friend and glow and watch the magic happen each day. 
You can temp orally or vaginally. If you suspect you may be a mouth breather, temp vaginally. And no, vaginal temping isn't weird. You actually get your most accurate reading vaginally. 
Below you can see my fertility friend chart from last month. The red crosshairs are indicating the day I ovulated. Notice the temp stays above the crosshairs until the last day where it drops below, and ultimately, I start CD1. Had that temp stayed above the crosshairs and I didn't get AF, could mean pregnancy, or had that temp dropped below the crosshairs around 7-10DPO (days past ovulation) it could indicate an implantation dip. 
See? Temping is the best way to take control of your body!
Your temping obsessed groupie