Weird "symptoms"

I had a D&E Oct 16th after learning I was having a mmc. Hubby and I decided that we wouldn't want "so many periods or months" and would just see what happens. Well this week I've been having random cramps/pulling/sticking pains, my left groin area is sore (like a pulled muscle) and my nipples have been hurting. These are all the symptoms I had last time before I found out I was pregnant. I have no idea if and when I ovulated. I don't want to get excited because this could just be my
Body regulating or it could be the real deal. Thursday will be 4 weeks since my D&E. I'm thinking about taking a test then. 
Am I reaching for straws or could this be real?? Hubby and I were so devestated after the mmc and I just don't want to get our hopes up. I haven't mentioned any of this to him because I don't want to get him excited. Any thoughts or stories are appreciated.