Potential period 5 days early?

Hope • Baby girl 08/05/15 Baby boy 11/28/18
I started spotting on Wednesday, only brown when wiping and never reaching panties. Put on a liner just in case. Shouldn't start my period until Monday if even (usually I am right on time with that). Thursday still spotting, put in a regular flow tampon. Brown and light red, no clots, never filling the whole tampon, only about 1/3 of it each time I changed it (every few hours).  Friday (yesterday) I hadn't had much of anything on tampon every time I changed it. Today I have light cramping and my temp is back down to what it usually is during my period time (97.7). Normally I have 2 heavy days of bleeding, followed by 1 moderate and then 2 light until it ends on the 5th day. But I am not bleeding as much as usual. It is very light, still brown and light red. What also throws me off is that lately, every time I change the tampon I am very dry inside. Normally it slides in easy during my cycles but not this time. Any idea what is going on?? 
We are TTC.