
Jennifer • 35yo, SF Bay Area. Photographer. Married 2 years. Had a beautiful son 8/07/15.
I'm 33 living in a different state I grew up In. Before, I had a lot of friends and was very socially active, but since I move here, (have been here for 14 years,) I'm so sad because it's really hard to make good girlfriends! Don't get me wrong, I meet people and they are cool but I can't seem to find friends that I connect with or that want to get together regularly and be girly with. I just feel like everyone has either got their group of friends already or they just are too wrapped up in life. Also most woken I meet already have children and I just don't have much in common because I don't have one yet. It's hard to go about this ttc thing without any friends. I don't work due to health reason so I have a ton of free time. I always feel envious when I see women walking together or getting coffee together or just shopping etc. Feels very lonely. Anyone else feel this way?