Good News / Bad News

Victoria • 29 y/o. Diagnosed with PCOS 2014. Married 2012. Mortgage Underwriter.
Good News! 
I got a new job today! Such a great opportunity for my husband and I. Along with his promotion, 2015 is going to be a good year! Sorely needed since we filed bankruptcy this year. It's been rough.
Bad news :(
I'm on CD 91. Haven't had AF since August bc I'm not on any meds anymore. Although I miss having a regular cycle, I forgot what it's like to not be on a roller coaster of emotions all the time. I'm not depressed or hyper, I'm, without meds. (Specifically Provera, Metformin, and Clomid)
I'm going to try my hardest to get my hormones in balance naturally. We'll see how that goes.