Miscarriage question

Courtney • 28 TTC #1 MC IUI #1 BFN IUI #2 BFN IVF #1 BFN IVF #2 BFN IVF #3 BFP MC IVF #4 BFP MC Natural BFP!!! DD born 3/3/18
I found out on 10/25 I was pregnant. On 10/27 I started bleeding. I went for blood work on the 10/28 and 10/30. My hcg levels went from 31 to 77. I was feeling good about it. But I just didn't feel pregnant. I went for bloodwork again on 11/7. I took a pregnacy test this past weekend and it came out negative. I knew it was over. My doctor just called and told me my levels were 3 and that I needed to go for bloodwork again on Friday. I guess he wants to see my levels back at 0. It's amazing how attached you become to something after only knowing about it for 2 weeks. My husband and I have already talked and we want to try again as soon as we can. No point in sitting around feeling sorry for us. ? I've never experienced a miscarriage before... Am I going to bleed again or was that it at the beginning? How do I start tracking my cycle again? Do I have to wait until after my next period? I hate that the topic of miscarriages is so taboo and I feel like I can't tell anyone about it.