Ugh, what is going on!?

I am 15 DPO, period was due yesterday. I took a clear blue digital test this morning and it was negative. I never miss a period and I have no sign of it, I've been cramping for about a week and sore tingly boobs. I thought for sure it was af but then I realized I had sex on my ovulation day and I have a temp spike the next day so I really did ovulate. I have had some nausea randomly, back pain, tingly boobs, sensitive nipples, bloating, peeing twice as much as I normaly do, headaches, and lots and lost of creamy white or clear much that I've thought I started my period a few times(sorry tmi). Am I pregnant or what's going on? I'm so confused.
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Just keep testing you could be and keep tracking your temp


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It's possible that the digital didn't pick up any hcg because they require a higher amount than the line tests to show up positive... I would get a first response line test and give it a shot! It took me about a week after getting a faint line for a positive digital.