Braxton Hicks

Can anyone tell me the difference between real contractions and Braxton hicks? Are there symptoms for both? I know I have contractions but it's hard to tell if the are real or not. 
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Braxton hicks are usually not painful and very not regular they feel like a tightening in you stomach area they normally go away if you drink water or change positions and they don't get more intense       Regular contractions don't stop and get more intense as they go they may start with back pain but Braxton hick can start that way too regular contraction don't stop when you change postions or drink water my doctors told me to go to the hospital when mine are 5  contractions for one minute and one minute apart Braxton hicks they said to go to the hospital if I have more then 16 of them in 2 hours 


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Ok awesome!! Thank you so much. ? that makes more sense :). I've been having them but they are painful but they don't get closer together. Could it still be Braxton hicks? 


Jessica • Nov 11, 2014
Ok! Great thank you so much. You made me feel more at ease. Thanks!!


Dale • Nov 11, 2014
Yep still Braxton hicks my doctor said they get more and more uncomfortable as the due date nears even the Braxton hicks