Question... :)

Chelsea • ♡Pregnant with my rainbow baby ♡

I was curious if anyone has heard of Provera...

(I know depo provera is the birth control shot)


My friend has a script of provera and she said that she takes it cd15-25 and it has made her periods regular after 3 month (shes not ttc)

My husband and I have jus started ttc... I have a 25-27 day cycle (4 period days) and haven't been to the dr yet since we have just really started "trying" (we have been together almost 5 years -married since april-- and never used protection and never had an oops)

My friend offered me some of her provera n said that if u take only a couple (like cd15-20) it could help with fertility?

I jus wanted to know everyones thoughts... is this true?

Will Provera in a small dose help with fertility?

Do you honestly think it might help?

(Fyi: If after a few months of ttc & no pregnancy I will make a dr appt ...but on the other hand im terrified of going and the dr saying im completely infertile.... this is why im even curious if this provera might help)