I think something's wrong with my body HELP!!!

Okay so I was recently on the depo shot for about 3 years, my last shot was January 7, 2014 and I haven't had one since.. My period started about mid September it only lasted for about 3-5 days then it was over with that happened about every other week and my boyfriend and I have been having sex without a condom even right after my period and I'm not pregnant not saying I'm trying to conceive but what's wrong with me that I'm not pregnant I know nothing is wrong with him cause he already has 2 kids and I have none the doctor  said I'm just lucky but I wonder if something is wrong with my body on why I'm not pregnant yet??

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Posted at
Nothing is wrong most likely but it takes more than 1 cycle for most women to get pregnant. If it were that easy all of us ttc would be pregnant by now. You're probably fine.


Posted at
It took me over 2 years to get pregnant after I was on depo...it's just going to take some time. Good luck! 


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It took me two years to get pregnant after going off depo and we never used protection.  But I now have two wonderful boys 13 months apart:)


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Ive been of Depo a little over 2 years now. Once you officially stop taking it. It does take upto 18month to clear out of your system. Im currently TTC and have been for 5 months. Its not easy when its BFN after BFN :(


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Took me 2 years after depo to get preg 


Posted at
I hope nothing is wrong but I have heard horror stories about depo. I was also on depo and got off of it in January 2014 and started my periods in February and I am still not pregnant after trying for several months. I tried ovulation tests for a couple months but got no clear positive results so I stopped because of the sheer cost of the tests. I read up and some people that were on depo had bad experiences from it and others not. So I think I will be continuing to try until March or April of next year and if still no baby then I will be going to a specialist. Any birth control can take up to a full year to get out of your system so take that in mind. Also there are supplements that you can take to regulate your period and hormones which I had heard also helps after taking BC. If you are truest concerned then see a doctor. Good luck I hope you get what you want! 


Posted at
It can take up to a year before the depo is completely out of your system :(