Embryo adoption

Lulu • 32 years old. Endometriosis. Surgery in January. Unsuccessful IFV in May/June. Unsuccessful FET in July. Trying again.
This post published yesterday on the NYTimes parenting blog is fascinating. http://nytimes.com/blogs/parenting/2014/11/12/when-all-else-fails-embryo-adoption-offers-hope/?module=BlogPost-Title&version=Blog&_r=0&referrer=
It led me to the author's wonderful blog about her four years on "Infertility Island" - which I proceeded to read almost in it's entirety in one sitting (http://dontcountyoureggs.typepad.com/). 
I was sad to go back to her blog today, though, and read about how the comments on the NYTimes (many not supportive) made her feel. As my husband and I navigate this process and often face diminishing choices, it's sad so many people who aren't facing infertility choose to judge rather than understand. Especially as the author of this piece and blog, Maya, always talks about how their only motivation here is love. 
Read it and tell me what you think?