Tired, Confused and ready to give up

We are now going into 6 month of try with no luck. This month having cramps, crying, (not usual for me) acne, tired and at times feel like I want to vomit. Feel like I am ready to throw in the towel and give up. Charting my BBT has become confusing as I don't know what to make of it. Here it is below. Okay, there is my rant ladies. Have a good day and baby dust to all. 
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Posted at
Just don't give up, my mom couldn't get pregnant for a long time but then came me, you also have to remember that everything on here isn't exact, our bodies change our cycles can vary, just don't give up hope ☺️


Posted at
I'm with ya. Don't give up. I just got a visit from the witch today and had an evap yesterday so I'm frustrated as hell. Everyone keeps telling me to not stress about it but it's hard. Keep your head up. Im 6 months TTC. 


Posted at
Don't give up eventually thinks will be great we have been ttc for 2 years now and I understand it's had to see others fall pregnant trust I know half my graduating class has fallen pregnant but mostly the ones who don't care about children or the ones are drugs just keep your head up. 


Posted at
Thanks! trying not to. Seems like evryone around me is getting pregnant without trying hard at all. Very disappointed at this point. As I have chronic medical conditions once it hits 6 month mark, we go to see a specialist.