Trying after losing first baby. Anyone fall into this category please read.


I was 7 almost 8 weeks pregnant when I found out my body had a missed miscarriage, that required a D&C. My doctor had the cells tested to find out I had a "Genetic Mutation" referred to as tesimy 16. My OB told me to wait 2 cycles or more to regulate before trying again. For the past 3 months I was so angry and upset didn't want to even think about another baby. But now I've found myself to ready and hoping it does not happen again, crossing my fingers with positivity it was just a fluke. We are not "trying" but letting things happen on their own and leaving this is Gods hands. I am extremly healthy, non smoker, non drinker and work out 6 days a week. So carrying is no issue, just hoping for a healthy pregnancy and to carry full-term. Anyone have success after a miscarriage caused by a genetic mutation such as mine?
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Posted at
I experienced the same thing. Got pregnant again and ended up miscarrying. After one missed miscarry in 2011 and another miscarriage in 2012 we are now six wks pregnant. I'm so nervous and scared but like you it's not in my hands. I'm seeing a high risk doctor now and will been seen weekly... My first prenatal is next Wednesday with an ultrasound..... Hoping for the best. 


Ashley • Nov 20, 2014
Best of luck to you! I feel if we are able to conceive eventually we all can carry full-term with healthy babies. May you have a healthy baby without complications. :)


Posted at
I had one in August. I was almost 6 weeks. I'm sorry you had to go through that. It hurts, I know. I'm currently on cycle 3 since miscarriage and hoping and praying for our BFP to happen soon. Give it to God and he will bless you when the time is right! Good luck!!


Ashley • Nov 20, 2014
Thank you and hope it works for you as well. I have passed a second cycle but taking it all day by day without expectations. I learned for 7 months to not expect things after that I got pregnant. Though I lost our baby, I remain with hope. Best of luck to you also!! :)


Posted at
We lost one at 6 weeks. My doctor didn't cater to try to find out why, she just said we should try again when we are ready. Well, it's been a year and no baby yet. I know it is all on God's timing, and I pray that if it is His will I conceive again that I will have peace throughout that pregnancy! :)


Ashley • Nov 20, 2014
I hope it works out for you. Pregnancy is all about timing. We tried for 7 months straight and finally I took the pressure off of being pregnant that I missed my period, without noticing because of my hectic work schedule. God has alot to do with it.


Posted at
I lost a baby at four months, we still have no idea why, at first I swore I wouldn't try again; lately I've had major baby fever! If you feel ready there's no reason not to try!


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I had a blighted ovum missed misscarriage. After that it took me over a year of not preventing pregnant to conceive again. I did have a perfectly healthy pregnancy after that with absolutely no complications.


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I lost my baby at week 20. Currently waitin on my cycle to start. Its been 4 weeks. How long did it take for your cycle to come back after your d&c?


Natalie • Nov 20, 2014
i dont expect my emotions to even out anytime soon. giving birth at 20 weeks was one of the hardest things i ever did. I'm hoping my cycle comes soon. i got 10 days til week 6. I've taken a pregnancy test and it says negative. I'm gonna wait to take another til the 6 weeks.


Ashley • Nov 20, 2014
After my D&C; my hormone levels did not deplete until almost 4 weeks after. My doctor expected it to drop within 2 weeks after but my body could not get back to normal. Even when my cycle started my hormones had a imbalance that made me feel pregnant with my emotions.


Posted at
I just found out this morning I miscarried again. First one was 6 months ago. I'm extremely sad right now ? 


Ashley • Nov 20, 2014
I am so sorry for your loss, it's extremely difficult to overcome. But that's why they invented these groups for support and hope. I have hope all of you and including myself can conceive and will have healthy baby/s, with the right timing.


Posted at
Just another question, I lost my baby at four months and my doctor still made me "deliver" vaginally. I never had a D&C. Should I have had one?? 


Kathlene • Nov 19, 2014
Okay thanks ladies! I've never known much about D


Natalie • Nov 19, 2014
the doctor would have made you have one if need be. i had to have one because my placenta didnt detach.


Tasha • Nov 19, 2014
At a full term birth.


Posted at
I was 3.5 months when I found out I miscarried, I didn't even know I was pregnant because I had my period throughout my pregnancy.That was confirmed on 4.24.2013