Pregnancy after getting your tubes tied

Now before everyone tells me to go test I know I need to but I'm not ready too. I have already had 2 etopic pregnacies after getting my tubes tied 4 years ago. I decided to get my tubes tied after my second child who then I ended up losing after 6 months.  It ended my marriage. Now I'm remarried to a wonderful man who has no children and isn't to sure if he wants any pretty much says if I want more we will make it happen. I'm 2 weeks late and have been feeling pretty prego lately. I keep thinking what if and it doesn't feel like my etopic pregnacies at all, no pain what so ever. I don't want to get my hopes up cause I have been feeling lately that I may want another baby. Me and my husband have even talked about getting my tubes untied in a few years. It could be just stress and I'm over thinking it. Idk maybe I just need some courage to go take the damn test already ha!