Over protective parents part 2

So you may all may say oh they just want the best for you 
But today was the last straw honestly. 
My dad basically said you're not allowed to leave the house on weekends. 
And I blew up 
Like snapped. 
I've been isolating my self from them and  
Food the past week  and I finally snapped. 
Only when he started speaking negativity 
My dad has been speaking negativity to me since I was in elementary school basically saying im not gonna add up to anything 
So today he says to me I never wished to be a father to you then tells my mother you should have aborted that shit, you should have Aborted her. 
And my mom said I regret bringing  her here .. 
Today was the day my soft spot for my mother vanished and sadly will not repair. 
I mean I can't function being in the same setting everyday which is why one day a week to my self is needed. 
I am emotionally  unstable because of all the a abusive  words I've received all my life.  That has impacted me educational wise , and emotionally. 
So the last post wasn't just me being the typical 17 year old wanting to leave the house and get freedom. 
It's more like a girl crying for help and my only escape is my weekends
I even contemplated suicide for a few minutes in my head as a battled whether to overdose or not but luckily  my friend came and got me 
Despite my moms "no to not leave the house" I had to. But I'm back there now even i I wasn't gonna return till the following Monday. I decided to avoid further issues and reside in bed 
What do you think