IUD - did it cause any issues for anyone?

I had mirena for 5 years. I recently had it taken out due to 1. It's being in for 5 years and 2. I am now married. I have had this whole "it will happen if it happens but we're not not trying" concept. However, my dr told me she wanted to wait till I had a normal period. I am athletic and even before mirena I never had normal periods. My husband keeps joking and keeps asking when am I going to give him a kid. I know it hasn't been long but I feel like I am already faing him by not being able to conceive yet...I still have yet to have my period and it's been 2 months since I've had it taken out. I understand that's not long but still frustrating. Fyi...no I'm not pregnant. Took a test yesterday. Any suggestions? Pointers? Anyone else feel like I do?