Ex boyfriend

So lately i've felt like my ex has been following me around school, Because i was in class talking to my friend about the people standing outside the classroom talking about how it stinks inside. So then people started thinking the teacher farted and my ex walks by and then sees me and comes back 3 minutes later and just stands at my door. And then i asked my teacher if i could go to my locker to get my agenda and while i was leaving my ex sees me and as im walking out of the hall my locker was at hes going toward the same hall i was in. Then the next period he walks to the class next to mine and sees me and slams his hand on the door and i just gave him a wtf look. Now i might sound a little childish but its the feeling i cant get rid of and its eating me to know what he wants or something. I dont want anything to do with him im happily in a relationship with my bf 

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