2nd ectopic :(

Laura 🇬🇧 • One son 13/03/2005, had Ectopic and lost baby on 12th Feb2014 ❤️ 2nd ectopic baby lost Nov2014, had Darling daughter on 7/2/2017 ❤️ Early/Chemical Miscarriage Feb 2023
I found out I was pregnant again beginning of this month (November), I had previously had an ectopic in February this year where I lost my left tube. We were so excited this time round as we felt for sure baby was ok...had the start of sore boobs, frequent urination etc!! Everything felt good strong positive hpts and just a few cramps and backache. Which told was normal...anyhow I woke up on the 10th November (10days before my scan was due to check babies postion)...I had immense pain could barely walk but no bleeding...turned out I had ruptured again :( they completed surgery and found the stump of my old left tube was bleeding. Thy cut this off and made the site flush to my uterus. Now I'm really scared I'll never have our baby!! I so want to be able to give my partner his first child :( really don't know how to keep the faith anymore.