Ttc @35 baby #1. Abnormal ultrasound, not pregnant

I turned 35 in June. We are trying to conceive. I've been off the poll since March. This month was my first month using OPK. I expressed my concern to my OB/GYN about how long it's been and nothing. Periods have been shorter. And have had slight bleeding in between periods. She decided to do an ultrasound to check everything. I got a call from her office yesterday from her office saying she did get the results and wanted to see me. They said it wasn't urgent and the soonest appointment was Dec 3. Well now I'm anxious wondering what could be wrong. Her office said my pap came back normal and sometimes the ultrasound could find cysts, fibroids, etc. She emphasized it was nothing urgent again. I'm in suspense. Anyone else have this happen to them??? Need to put my mind at ease.