A little odd.

Savanna • Loving life with my amazing husband and our American bull dogs and Chihuahua
Yesterday while I was at work, I thought of my coworker that I haven't seen in the last two weeks. After thinking about her my thoughts went to the fact that she was going to tell me something along the lines of hinting that I'm pregnant. When she came into work we chatted a bit before she clocked in and sat down, she said congratulations and scurried off. I talked to her about it more when the other coworker left for the evening, and the other was on her lunch break. She told me she thought of me while passing the college, somehow thinking I was going to say I was pregnant. And told me that I am glowing. About 5-6 weeks ago I tested negative. She told me if she had to guess I would be around 3-4 weeks along. My husband doesn't know yet that I want to take a test, he just knows that I had a weird experience at work with my coworker. Any thoughts from anyone in the glow community? I am new and this is my first post also. Anyone have similar stories like this to find you are expecting?