
Sarah🍕 • 27. Married. Mommy to two boys. Artist. Atheist. Intactivist. Pro choice.
I'm 34 weeks and I just want to be prepared. What do real contractions feel like? How painful are they?
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Every women feels them differently. Mine started out feeling like menstral cramps. They were 12 mins apart and concistantly got closer together. For me they did not feel painful until I was dilated to an 8. I only felt pain in my lower back but my son was face up and had his chin upwards so I had back labor. Braxton hicks just feel like a tightening of the abdominal muscles to me. 


Kendra • Nov 26, 2014
Being stabbed. I have been sitting on a birthing ball to try and get my baby into a good position before labor.


Kendra • Nov 26, 2014
I didn't have any BH my first. But it just felt like really bad cramps, the labor in my back at the time felt like I was


Sarah🍕 • Nov 26, 2014
Yeah I've had plenty of braxton hicks lol but I just wanted to know what real contractions felt like. Thanks for your response.