Soooo very sad!!

Holly • I am 25 I am married to my high school sweetheart. I am trying to conceive after an ectopic pregnancy in June 2014.
On May 29th I found out I was pregnant with my second child I was so happy. My first child is now 4 and kept telling me she wanted a baby brother or sister a real one not a fake one. I was so happy for her! Well June 5 I had my husband bring me to the ER I was hurting bad and bleeding a little something told me I needed to go asap! When I got down there the ER doctor told me my hcg levels where low and that I was having miscarrage I told him I was hurting real bad so he said well we can send you to have a ultrasound and see what that shows so I had the ultrasound the ultrasound tech told me at a later date when I saw her a different time that she had never saw a ultra sound like mine. I found out I had an ectopic pregnancy I was so sad the doctor said a little more and my Fallopian tube would have ripped bad. So I lost my right tube because even though it hadn't ripped bad it still ripped so I lost my second child and my right tube! :( I was so sad and didn't want to try again right away even tho the doctor said it was ok. My husband and I have finally decided to try again this month was the first month and no luck which makes me sad I know it takes time but it just sucks so bad because I have to wait and just try every other month because I lost my right tube. I will be so happy when God decides to bless me with another baby I see a lot of people around me getting pregnant and it makes me so sad because it seems like it just happens so easy for them. Sorry for my vent but I just needed it out it makes me sad!!! But this is my ectopic story!!! Thanks for reading feel free to comment back or tell me your story.