First Cycle TTC and Off BC

Brittany • 27. Finally got my BFP after 11 cycles of TTC by using the SMEP, Preseed, and a whole lot of prayers!!
I came off BC at the end of October. Started my AF the first week in November. I'm pretty sure I ovulated on CD 14 due to my CM. Anyways I've been cramping and craving Reese's like I usually do every time AF is about to arrive. My AF should have arrived on the 30th or the 1st of this month. Still nothing. For those of you ladies who have been on BC for years then came off to TTC, is this normal for me to cramp and feel like AF is on her way but not actually starting? I know my body is adjusting but its all very foreign to me. I took a HPT at 13 DPO.. Negative. Took another today it was also negative. I'm currently CD 31. Thanks for yalls input. I appreciate it!