Love my husband but is he crossing the line!!

Ok.. I need to know if I'm being an over sensitive pregnant women or if other women would be upset like I am! 
​Quick background on me. 
​First time pregnant! I weighed 58kgs before pregnancy and I'm now 33weeks and weigh 65kgs. So I've put on 7kgs so far with 7 weeks to still grow. 
​Last week I came home to show him some new undies I had just bought. My other ones were cutting in abit! He pointed down at my thighs and said "when did that happen" me being naive and not thinking my hubby would make a weight comment I said  "when did what happen, do I have a bruise or something" seeming as my belly is getting a bit hard to see over. He said "no your thighs, when did they happen! " I was in shock and  speechless! I think I broke a little inside!  
​I couldn't bring myself to say anything! I just put it away and tried to forget that what he said was so hurtful, but tonight bought another low blow! He was checking out his phone and came across a pregnant lady who at 30 weeks looked like so was at 20 weeks and said wow look how tiny she is and showed me!
​I couldn't believe it!! What does he think I am? A massive oompaloompa! 
​So ladies please tell me am I over reacting or do I need to have a chat! 
​I did mention to him that women of my BMI can put on between 11 to 16kg for a healthy pregnancy and I haven't even reached that yet?? 
​Help needed ???