I hate the waiting period

Right now I'm in the waiting period. The omg is this a pregnancy symptom stage.... Am I spotting..... Is this implantation bleeding..... Waiting the last 4 days until my period comes and then an extra two days just in case it's late...... I hate it.... Right now I'm spotting and I hate that more because is it implantation or is it early spotting and I'm going to have to deal with like 8 days of spotting only to have a period later...... All of it sucks and I wish I didn't know any pregnancy symptoms or see people post pictures of ultrasounds on facebook every day..... I also hate when people ask when we are going to have kids...I don't know..... No one really knows all you can do is try... I also hate that I have reproductive health issues and people say to get pregnant that will fix it or just relax..... Ugh. No.