Announcing my pregnancy on my time

Heidi • Follow me on Instagram @heidipanepinto
I am not one of those people who prescribes to the 12 week waiting period because it is possible to miscarry at any stage of the pregnancy and if I want to share my news, it's my pregnancy and I will share when I want to. It seems everyone is very quick to tell you not to announce your pregnancy and try to make you feel badly for wanting to share the news because you're in the 12 week window. Or even worse, they feel the need to constantly remind you of how possible and normal it is to miscarry, but not to worry, because it was likely a chromosomal abnormality. 
I want to scream from the rooftops that I don't know to be reminded of the risk of miscarriage, I'm well aware, and this is MY pregnancy so stop trying to control what I do and when I do it. Why are people so freaking negative??? Why can't anyone just be happy for people??? Ughhhh.