Feel fat, bloated and fatigue

Hi ladies. So I am 6 1/2 weeks pregnant and i just feel like a fat lard, extremely tired and bloated. I eat small portions but then I get extremely bloated and tired afterwards. I get up at 5:30am for work and get to work at 7. I feel okay until about 9:30-10am when I start feeling really bloated and uncomfortable then by 10-10:30 I am extremely tired to the point I want to go home and go to sleep. I am very active normally, play on a coed soccer team a lot of walking etc. but I don't  even have energy to do anything. I feel like I need salty foods like, lays potato chips, pretzels and cheese. I try to eat the healthy foods I normally ingest but then it makes me feel sick, especially fresh produce.  Anyone else? Any suggestions?