Restless leg syndrome

Jessica • I am 28, married, we have a 6 yr old boy and currently pregnant with our daughter :)
So it's after 11pm and I haven't had much sleep since Sunday night. I am 37 weeks ago with my little girl she is head down and I am dialated at 1 1/2 cm. for the past couple of nights my legs have been hurting so bad I can't fall asleep. I am literally pacing back and forth in my room, in my hallways. Just so I can see if I can get my legs to get tired so I can sleep. Between my legs, my snoring husband and my six year old that comes into my bed at some point in the early am and talks in his sleep it's so hard to get any sleep. So anyone else going thur this? As much as I am tired I wish I would just go into labor so a lot of my aches and pains would stop and I can meet my daughter ?