Mucus plug?

Amber • SAHM to a beautiful, smart, energetic 2 year old boy and his newborn brother!!
I am 32+2 with my second and lost a big chunk of my mucus plug tonight when I went to the bathroom. As of 3 weeks ago, I was already dilated to 1-1.5cm, but not thinning. Should I call my dr tomorrow? I didn't lose my plug with my first until the day before I had him. 
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It's worth a call. You may need to get checked just for peace of mind at least. They may recommend bed rest etc. you won't be bugging them! Best of luck. 


Amber • Dec 22, 2014
I hope I don't get put back on bedrest. I've just gotten off of modified bedrest Tuesday.


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Unless you're having consistent contractions then I would say there is no need for a call. But do what makes you feel less stressed. I am 37wk3days and lost mine tonight, but I know they they will just send me home if nothing else is happening.