Still a faint line


Waited 3 days and it's still a faint line. Anyone think I'm not pregnant. I'm getting nervous because I've had 2 miscarriages and I just want this to be it
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Maybe get one of those clear blue digital advance test that tells you if you're 1 to 3+ weeks pregnant. I read a report that said some women who were concerned with miscarriage would take the test to see what range it gave them and then take it again a week later to see if it would continue to go up. Because the test measures quantity of hcg or how much is there so in can determine how far you are. Probably not better than a blood test from your doctor but you could do this at home just to see what it says. Let us know! Good luck :)


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These tests are not very accurate at predicting levels of HCG, etc. If you are concerned seeing a doctor is your best bet. 


Zoe • Dec 26, 2014
Ugh. That's hard. Try and take care of yourself.


Me • Dec 26, 2014
dr. isn't in until Monday so I csnt make an appointment yet


Posted at
Mine stayed faint for what felt like forever! Wait another 3 days, in the beginning your HCG levels are still very little, so even though they double every 48 hours, it's still not very much. Mine took a good week to show up as a strong positive. 


Jenn • Dec 26, 2014
With your history of miscarriages it's not a bad idea. You could have them check your progesterone levels.


Me • Dec 26, 2014
Okay Thanks. should I call my doctor and make an appointment