In need of some insight. Very confused.

I posted a few days ago. But a lot has happened since then. AF was due 18DEC and I was 3 days late when I started getting some light pink spotting. And I always have pretty severe AF symptoms but had none. My spotting started on 21DEC and ended 22DEC. No spotting on 23DEC. But I did start cramping a bit. I was intimate the night of the 23DEC. And was a bit sore from cramping which was odd. But at 5 am on 24DEC I had more spotting. It was heavier and a pink red color. It was definitely not even close to the flow of AF. And I didn't have to use a pad either. But there was some cramping associated with it. That spotting stopped as of early this morning.
I took a test on 24DEC and it was negative. I'm not sure if I ovulated late or not. But today I have been feeling very nauseous.
And am wondering if the change in color of the spotting was maybe due to irritation during intimacy. And if I should wait to test. I'm just super confused right now.