Dr's appt & waiting for an ultrasound in 2 weeks

Latasha • Had ectopic pregnancy of march 2010, had 3 miscarriages December 2012-march 2013 with drs help. Had a rainbow baby girl August 27, 2015 and currently pregnant again naturally. 👏🏻
So I went to confirm my pregnancy today. They took a urine test, blood test, & checked my cervix. He wanted an ultrasound but the tech wasn't in so I don't have an ultrasound until 2 more weeks. He told me their urine test was faint but I had just drank a ton of water & I'm also only 4 weeks 3 days so I'm still early. I got my first positive at 12dpo & ever since then each test had gotten darker. Also had a clear blue digital that said pregnant 1-2 weeks. I'm gonna take another digital maybe in a week to see if it's saying 2-3 weeks & my levels are going up. I won't know my blood results until Monday. ? with having miscarriages before I am praying this one sticks very well. 
Here is a photo of each test from 12dpo-16dpo. What do u guys think??