Loss of appetite

Ashley • 31 yrs old, RN. Wife of 10 years, mommy to our sweet 9 yr old & baby girl born 9-11-16!
6DPO, hoping for a BFP here in a few days...  So, my issue is I'll be hungry but then it comes times to eat & zero appetite.  Almost disgusted with food when it's time to actually eat it!  Cooked breakfast for over an hour this AM bc I woke up starving- finished & hardly ate a bite.  Ugh- FML.  My hubs & sweet girl ate good though.  Is this normal?  I don't remember feeling this much of an appetite loss post ovulation.  Oh, and I'm like always sooooo thirsty!!!  I can chug liquid but not eat anything... Any feedback?  Anyone else feel this way post ovulation?