My s/o think it's ok that we haven't had sex in 3 weeks?

I think it's very weird that he doesn't want to do it or that it's normal not to have sex all the time? 3 weeks is long! I feel like he doesn't find me sexy anymore I talked to him and he tells me I'm sexy and he loves me then why doesn't he want to have sex with me? 
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I am in the same boat here, only that i am 24 weeks pregnant ... Maybe my hubby thinks i am fat now :((( i feel so low and upset :(((    He says to me he loves me   But no sexxy time :(( 


Posted at
He may have just simply had a drop in testosterone which can affect his sex drive. My husband is that way sometimes, and it gets frustrating. Like when I'm in the mood, he won't be. So I resolve to go to sleep, and two hours later he's waking me up because he wants it then. It happens. Just relax, and let him come to you. Act like you don't want it. Nothing is more appealing to a man then when you tell them no. It's like a challenge.


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I think if you're ttc you're forgetting he feels the pressure too. Sex shouldn't be a chore or shouldn't be this day, at this time, for these many days in a row,etc. My hubby is more than attracted to me but he works two jobs and those 60+ hour work werks kill him. Sometimes hes just not in the mood. Don't pressure him or guilt him, give it time, i know its frustrating when ttc but they aren't sperm dispensers, they have feelings too. ♥


Posted at
Mine seems to forget that were TTC and that I track everything! It's frustrating. A few months ago we got into a HUGE argument about it.... :/