I want a baby

I really want to get pregnant. I know it's not the best choice but I desire it. My guy and I have never used protection but we have been using the withdraw method and we have sex while I'm ovulating and fertile. He doesn't know I want a baby. I know it sounds crazy but idk what to do. I want our baby so badly. My guy already has a 2 year old though. 
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Posted at
You are 100% not ready for a baby!! You don't just try and make an accident and decieve your partner! This post is so wrong! You have to both plan and prepare and want it together. Do you have a house and both have full time jobs along with a car and health insurance????


Posted at
Wanting a baby is a good thing. But the way you are describing it isn't. Don't bring a child into this world on an accident, especially if you are not prepared financially. Talk to him and see why he doesn't want to have another child and express how you want one. Maybe it's not that he doesn't want another, maybe it's that he doesn't want one now. 


Posted at
Put your future baby first, before or own wants and needs. Wait till you're both in a stable conjured position and it's something you both want. Don't bring a baby into world by deception. 


Posted at
Age 41 to 43 can still be pregnant?