Advice please ?

I'm 19 years old and I'm 6 weeks pregnant . At first I was excited because this will be my first and I'm with the man of my dreams but now I'm very nervous and don't know if I'm ready for this quite yet... My boyfriend is in the music industry and will be going on tour probably after March I was supposed to go with him but now I'm pregnant and can hardly go a whole day without being exhausted . He told me I can't come and I have to stay home and rest . I'm pretty upset he will be gone from me months at a time and I wanted to be with him and celebrate  his successes along the way with him I told him how I felt and he's telling me we can wait ... And try again later... I'm not sure how I'm feeling or what I want to do now I'm scared and don't want to make a selfish decisions this will be my first born and his second child his oldest is 8 but the mother is never in the picture and he lives with us ... I just don't know what to feel or do anymore any advice would be nice